Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You're going to miss this...

"You're going to miss this
You're going to want this back
You're going to wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're going to miss this....."

After hearing that Madeline will be arriving on 3/23 (as long as she doesn't try and escape on her own) I immediately thought of this song. As much discomfort as she causes me with her foot in my rib cage, or when she sits on my bladder/lungs, the fact that I have a hard time putting my own socks and shoes on, and even walking up the stairs at times - I will miss my girl always being with me. She has been my sidekick for 9 months, and although I am psyched that I will get to hold her and smooch her face soon, I will miss the kicks, hiccups, rolling etc.... So for the next 4 weeks, Maddie and I will go about our usual routine that we have developed, and Anthony and I will really cherish our last couple of weeks together as 2-fer until we become a family of 3!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I forgot........

To wish Madeline a "happy 35/35" yesterday! 35 weeks down, 35 DAYS to go! I can't wait to see this little munchkin's face!

Have a good weekend :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Remember when.......

Remember when Madeline looked like a gummy bear??

Look at her now - not the best picture, but the ultrasound tech said it is difficult to get her picture because she is so big now!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shower pictures!

Just a few to share.... The double chin pictures had to be eliminated :) 

It was an overall wonderful day, and we are so thankful for all the wonderful gifts we received. We are so lucky to have such fabulous family and friends! 

Brace yourself, we gotta big one!

We made our way to the hospital yesterday for a scheduled ultrasound. I don't know if we were quite ready for what we were to find out. Our precious, adorable little girl was 7 pounds already! The doctor said that we should plan for a C Section, due to her girth and LARGE head. She is in the 95 percentile and healthy. As of this point, unless Lisa goes into labor, we are going back on March 16th. At that point they will setup the date for Maddie's grand entrance. T minus 28 says til we find out! (Unless she decides she wants to come early) Attached is Vegas's response when we told here Maddie was comin home soon.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Superbowl Sunday Shenanigans!

This is how the Lanza family spent their Superbowl Sunday - 

Madeline doesn't really care for football, so she decided to give her Mommy and Daddy quite a scare by causing some pre-term labor! I started feeling funny when I first woke up, and as the day went on I felt more and more contractions. Around 5:30, I knew something was wrong - and decided to call my Dr's office who asked us to come to the hospital to get checked. Off we went to the hospital, I was hooked up to a bunch of monitors, and Madeline was watched for a couple of hours. Preterm labor was the final diagnosis, and I have to be take it easy for a little while - Madeline has some more cookin' to do in there!! Our ultrasound is still scheduled for Monday, and we are excited to see when we can expect to see our little girl - hopefully not before 37 weeks!
This weekend was also our shower! Madeline received some VERY nice things, that we are so grateful for!  She is very lucky to have such wonderful family and friends.  A special thank you to my Mom, Sissy and Mother in law, for making the day so wonderful! Stay tuned for pictures!